1 (205) 386-6182 info@fertilizerforless.com

If your lawn had been wrecked by the summer’s heat or by whatever cause, you may think twice about bothering with it if it’s already spring. But just go for it. It’s true that late summer and early fall are the ideal times to revive a dried and dying lawn when soil temperatures are high, as it leads to quick germination of grass seeds, especially tall fescue. But it doesn’t mean that you have to put up with a lousy looking lawn all throughout summer.

Below are some steps you can take to rejuvenate your dying lawn, even if it’s spring or summer.


Determine the severity of damage.


Note that a brown lawn doesn’t always mean it’s dead. Some turf grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, usually go dormant during a drought. If this applies to your lawn, have a look at its root structure. If it’s still in good condition, a few spring showers can green it up.

Look among the brown, straw-like grass and check for any surviving green shoots which can give you hope that there’s still life remaining on your old lawn. But if you determined that less than half of your lawn can be revived, do the best you can to make it presentable through the summer and then start working on it over the fall.


Rake it.


If half or more of your lawn still looks decent, you have a good chance to give it a second chance at life. Use a rake to remove the dead grass as well as to loosen up the soil. Then start applying new seeds with a drop or rotary spreader. Press the seed into the dirt with either a lawn roller or by gentle, evenly spaced footsteps. Remember to keep the area moist and give it a high-phosphorus seed-starting fertilizer.


Fertilize responsibly.


Fertilize. And do it responsibly. Be sure to remove excess fertilizer from nearby paved surfaces back into the lawn. Water your lawn immediately after application to start the feeding process. It will also prevent loose fertilizer from washing into bodies of water like lakes and streams. Note that fertilizers are chemicals and it can promote algal blooms that can suffocate fish and other water species.


Follow typical lawn practices.


For the rest of the season, ensure you follow the usual healthy lawn practices such as:

  1. Raising the mower up to the highest setting.
  2. Never mow with a dull blade.
  3. Mulch as much as possible to return high-nitrogen grass clippings back to the lawn.
  4. Give about 1-inch water per week to your lawn.

As mentioned above, your lawn will be needing enough fertilizer to recover. So be sure to give your lawn its much-needed nutrients. Shop for affordable fertilizers at Fertilizers for LESS now!