If you have a garden landscape, you most probably have succulent plants. These plants are interesting not only because of their physical appearance, but also because of the structure of their stems and leaves. So seeing their leaves shriveled might make you feel saddened and worried at the same time. We can relate!
Let’s get to know some common reasons why the leaves of your succulent plants shriveled as well as a couple of things that you can do to save your plant.
The standard potting soil isn’t recommended for succulent plants as it is designed to hold on to moisture and is usually filled with a lot of fertilizer. Both of these aren’t good for your succulent. So if you’re using a standard potting soil, you need to replace it. Your nearby garden center should sell small bags of Cactus and Succulent mix. But if it isn’t available, find some sand and mix it with regular soil. This way, you will increase drainage and reduce fertilizer density.
Pot size
If you had been growing your plant for quite some time, it may already be outgrowing the pot. If this happens, the roots wouldn’t be able to grow enough to support the needs of the new leaves which will then force the plant to sacrifice healthy leaves to feed the rest of the plant.
You might have already heard it and yes, over-watering your plant can do more harm than good to your succulents, as it can lead to rot caused by fungus or bacterial growth. Bear in mind that they need almost no water at all. So the soil should be completely dry for at least a day before you water it again. You should also remove any leaves that look rotten to keep it from spreading. However, if rot had already reached the stem, it would be best to pull off healthy leaves and propagate a new plant.
Succulent needs enough light. If they aren’t getting enough of it they will try to grow taller rapidly in order to find more light, which will again sacrifice the lower leaves to support its rapid growth. If you noticed that your succulents are growing on top but dying on the bottom, consider transferring it to a spot with more light. However, you also need to ensure that they aren’t getting too much direct sunlight. Dappled light is preferred, but lots of shaded light will work well too.
Last but definitely not the least, your succulent plants may not be getting enough of the nutrients that they need to support their growth. So consider giving them their much-needed food in a timely manner.
Did you know that succulents can be grown from cuttings easily? These “succulent pups” are like baby succulents for those who want to start their own collection or add to it without waiting for seeds to sprout! Propagating succulent pups is easy. They need the right medium to grow, a sunny spot (though they can also be propagated indoors or on a balcony), and water 2-3 times per week. All you have to do is take a cutting or roots of a healthy plant – preferably with leaves already growing on it – and trim off any flowers that are present so as not to interfere with propagation efforts.
Related Post: The Best Succulent Soil Mix
For more details on what fertilizers to use, check out Fertilizers for LESS and shop around for good quality fertilizers are affordable prices!